Getting Started

Welcome to fast-pauli from Qognitive, an open-source Python / C++ library for optimized operations on Pauli matrices and Pauli strings based on PauliComposer. In this guide, we’ll introduce some of the important operations to help users get started as well as some conceptual background on Pauli matrices and Pauli strings.

If you want to follow along with this guide, please follow the installation instructions in Introduction. For more details on our programmatic interface, see the Python API or C++ API documentation.

Pauli Matrices

For a more in-depth overview of Pauli matrices, see here.

In math and physics, a Pauli matrix, named after the physicist Wolfgang Pauli, is any one of the special 2 x 2 complex matrices in the set (often denoted by the greek letter \(\sigma\)) :

\[\begin{split}\sigma_x = \begin{bmatrix} 0 & 1 \\ 1 & 0 \end{bmatrix} \sigma_y = \begin{bmatrix} 0 & -i \\ i & 0 \end{bmatrix} \sigma_z = \begin{bmatrix} 1 & 0 \\ 0 & -1 \end{bmatrix}\end{split}\]

All the Pauli matrices share the properties that they are:

  1. Hermitian (equal to their own conjugate transpose) \(\sigma_i = \sigma_i^\dagger\) for all \(i \in \{x, y, z\}\)

  2. Involutory (they are their own inverse) \(\sigma_i^2 = \sigma_0\) for all \(i \in \{x, y, z\}\)

  3. Unitary (their inverse is equal to their conjugate transpose) \(\sigma_i^{-1} = \sigma_i^\dagger\) for all \(i \in \{x, y, z\}\)

with the identity matrix \(\sigma_0\) or the \(2 \times 2\) Identity matrix \(I\) being the trivial case.

In fast_pauli, we represent pauli matrices using the Pauli class. For example, to represent the Pauli matrices, we can do:

import fast_pauli as fp

pauli_0 = fp.Pauli('I')
pauli_x = fp.Pauli('X')
pauli_y = fp.Pauli('Y')
pauli_z = fp.Pauli('Z')

str(pauli_0)  # returns "I"

We can also multiply two Pauli objects together to get a Pauli object representing the matrix product of the two pauli matrices. The result includes a phase factor because the product of two Pauli matrices is not another Pauli matrix, but rather a Pauli matrix multiplied by either i or -i which we call a phase factor.

For example, we can compute the resulting Pauli object from multiplying \(\sigma_x\) and \(\sigma_y\) as follows:

# phase = i, new_pauli = fp.Pauli('Z')
phase, new_pauli = pauli_x @ pauli_y

From here, we can also convert our Pauli object back to a dense numpy array if we’d like:

pauli_x_np = pauli_x.to_tensor()

Pauli Strings

Pauli strings are tensor-product combinations of Pauli matrices. For example, the following is a valid Pauli string:

\[\mathcal{\hat{P}} = \sigma_x \otimes \sigma_y \otimes \sigma_z\]

where \(\otimes\) denotes the tensor or Kronecker product, and we can more simply denote by

\[\mathcal{\hat{P}} = XYZ\]

A Pauli string of length N is a tensor product of N Pauli matrices. We can represent a N-length Pauli String as a \(2^N \times 2^N\) operator or matrix (in physics, an operator is represented by a matrix in a given basis), so XYZ is a \(8 \times 8\) matrix. Since these operators can get large very quickly, fast_pauli represents Pauli strings sparsely as an array of Pauli objects.

For example, to construct the Pauli string XYZ, we can do:

P = fp.PauliString('XYZ')

Pauli Strings also support operations like addition, multiplication, and more. For example:

P1 = fp.PauliString('XYZ')
P2 = fp.PauliString('YZX')

# Get dim and n_qubits properties
# dim = 8, n_qubits = 3

# Multiply two Pauli strings.
phase, new_string = P1 @ P2

We can also do more complicated things, like compute the action of a Pauli string \(\mathcal{\hat{P}}\) on a vector \(| \psi \rangle\), \(\mathcal{\hat{P}}| \psi \rangle\), or compute the expectation value of a Pauli string with a state \(\langle \psi | \mathcal{\hat{P}} | \psi \rangle\). As a side note, in this guide we will use state and vector interchangeably:

import numpy as np

# Apply P to a state
P = fp.PauliString('XY')
state = np.array([1, 0, 0, 1], dtype=complex)
new_state = P.apply(state)

# Compute the expected value of P with respect to a state or a batch of states
value = P.expectation_value(state)

states = np.random.randn(4, 8) + 1j * np.random.randn(4, 8)
values = P.expectation_value(states)

We can also convert PauliString objects back to dense numpy arrays if we’d like, or extract their string representation:

P = fp.PauliString('XYZ')
P_np = P.to_tensor()

P_str = str(P) # Returns "XYZ"

For more details on the PauliString class, see the Python API or C++ API documentation.

Pauli Operators

The PauliOp class lets us represent operators that are linear combinations of Pauli strings with complex coefficients. For example, we can represent any arbitrary operator \(A\) as a sum of Pauli strings \(P_i\) with complex coefficients \(c_i\):

\[A = \sum_i c_i P_i\]

In fast_pauli, we can construct PauliOp objects using the PauliOp constructor. For example, to construct the PauliOp object that represents the operator \(A = 0.5 * XYZ + 0.5 * YYZ\), we can do:

coeffs = np.array([0.5, 0.5], dtype=complex)  # represent c_i in the sum above
pauli_strings = ['XYZ', 'YYZ']  # represent P_i in the sum above
A = fp.PauliOp(coeffs, pauli_strings)

# Get the number of qubits the operator acts on,
# dimension, number of pauli strings
# n_qubits = 3, dim = 8, n_pauli_strings = 2

Just like with PauliString objects, we can apply PauliOp objects to a set of vectors, or compute expectation values, as well as arithmetic operations. Just like with PauliString objects, we can also convert PauliOp objects back to dense numpy arrays if we’d like or get their string representation, in this case a list of strings:

coeffs = np.array([0.5, 0.5], dtype=complex)
pauli_strings = ['XYZ', 'YYZ']
A = fp.PauliOp(coeffs, pauli_strings)

# Adding two Pauli strings returns a PauliOp.
# The returned object is a PauliOp because
# the sum is a linear combination of Pauli strings
P1 = fp.PauliString('XYZ')
P2 = fp.PauliString('YZX')
O = P1 + P2

# PauliOp supports addition, subtraction, multiplication,
# scaling, as well as have PauliString objects
# as the second operand. All valid operations:
A1 = 0.5 * A
A2 = A + A1
A3 = A1 @ A2
s = fp.PauliString('XYZ')
A4 = A1 + s

# Apply A to a single state / vector or set
states = np.random.rand(8, 10) + 1j * np.random.rand(8, 10)
new_states = A.apply(states)

# Compute the expectation value of A with respect to a state
values = A.expectation_value(states)

# Get dense matrix representation of A
A_dense = A.to_tensor()

# ['XYZ', 'YYZ']
A_str = A.pauli_strings_as_str

Qiskit Integration

fast_pauli also has integration with IBM’s Qiskit SDK, allowing for easy interfacing with certain Qiskit objects. For example, we can convert between PauliOp objects and SparsePauliOp objects from Qiskit:

# Convert a fast_pauli PauliOp to a Qiskit SparsePauliOp object and back
O = fp.PauliOp([1], ['XYZ'])
qiskit_op = fp.to_qiskit(O)
fast_pauli_op = fp.from_qiskit(qiskit_op)

# Convert a fast_pauli PauliString to a Qiskit Pauli object
P = fp.PauliString('XYZ')
qiskit_pauli = fp.to_qiskit(P)

For more details on Qiskit conversions, see the Python API documentation.