
struct Pauli

A class for efficient representation of a 2x2 Pauli matrix \( \sigma_i \in \{ I,X,Y,Z \} \).

Public Functions

inline constexpr Pauli()

Default constructor, initializes to I.

template<class T> inline requires constexpr std::convertible_to< T, uint8_t > Pauli (T const code)

Constructor given a numeric code.

Template Parameters:

T – Any type convertible to uint8_t


code – 0: I, 1: X, 2: Y, 3: Z



inline constexpr Pauli(char const symbol)

Constructor given Pauli matrix symbol.


symbol – pauli matrix - I, X, Y, Z


template<std::floating_point T>
inline void to_tensor(std::mdspan<std::complex<T>, std::dextents<size_t, 2>> output) const

Returns the pauli matrix as a 2D vector of complex numbers.

Template Parameters:

T – floating point type


output – 2D mdspan to write the 2x2 pauli matrix


inline friend std::pair<std::complex<double>, Pauli> operator*(Pauli const &lhs, Pauli const &rhs)

Returns the product of two pauli matrices and their phase as a pair.

  • lhs – left hand side pauli object

  • rhs – right hand side pauli object


std::pair<std::complex<double>, Pauli> phase and resulting pauli matrix


struct PauliString

A class representation of a Pauli string (i.e. a tensor product of 2x2 pauli matrices) \( $\mathcal{\hat{P}} = \bigotimes_i \sigma_i \) where \( \sigma_i \in \{ I,X,Y,Z \} \).

Public Functions

PauliString() noexcept = default

Default constructor, initialize weight and empty vector for paulis.

inline PauliString(std::vector<Pauli> paulis)

Constructs a PauliString from a vector of pauli matrices and calculates the weight.

inline PauliString(std::span<fast_pauli::Pauli> paulis)

Constructs a PauliString from a span of pauli matrices and calculates the weight.

inline PauliString(std::string const &str)

Constructs a PauliString from a string and calculates the weight. This is often the most compact way to initialize a PauliString.

inline PauliString(char const *str)

Allows implicit conversion of string literals to PauliStrings. Ex: std::vector<PauliString> pauli_strings = {“IXYZ”, “IIIII”};.

inline size_t n_qubits() const noexcept

Return the number of qubits in the PauliString.



inline size_t dim() const noexcept

Return the dimension (2^n_qubits) of the PauliString.


this returns 0 if the PauliString is empty.



template<std::floating_point T>
inline void apply(std::mdspan<std::complex<T>, std::dextents<size_t, 1>> new_states, std::mdspan<std::complex<T>, std::dextents<size_t, 1>> states, std::complex<T> const c = 1.0) const

Apply a pauli string (using the sparse representation) to a vector. This performs following matrix-vector multiplication \( \mathcal{\hat{P}} \ket{\psi} \).

Template Parameters:

T – The floating point base to use for all the complex numbers

template<std::floating_point T, execution_policy ExecutionPolicy>
inline void apply(ExecutionPolicy&&, std::mdspan<std::complex<T>, std::dextents<size_t, 1>> new_states, std::mdspan<std::complex<T>, std::dextents<size_t, 1>> states, std::complex<T> const c = 1.0) const
Template Parameters:
  • T

  • ExecutionPolicy

  • new_states

  • states

template<std::floating_point T>
inline void apply_batch(std::mdspan<std::complex<T>, std::dextents<size_t, 2>> new_states_T, std::mdspan<std::complex<T>, std::dextents<size_t, 2>> const states_T, std::complex<T> const c) const

Apply the PauliString to a batch of states. This function takes a different shape of the states than the other apply functions. here all the states (new and old) are transposed so their shape is (n_dims x n_states). All the new_stats are overwritten, no need to initialize.

This performs following matrix-matrix multiplication \( \mathcal{\hat{P}} \hat{\Psi} \) where matrix \( \hat{\Psi} \) has \( \ket{\psi_t} \) as columns

Template Parameters:

T – The floating point base to use for all the complex numbers

  • new_states_T – The output states after applying the PauliString (n_dim x n_states)

  • states_T – THe original states to apply the PauliString to (n_dim x n_states)

  • c – Multiplication factor to apply to the PauliString

template<std::floating_point T, execution_policy ExecutionPolicy>
inline void apply_batch(ExecutionPolicy&&, std::mdspan<std::complex<T>, std::dextents<size_t, 2>> new_states_T, std::mdspan<std::complex<T>, std::dextents<size_t, 2>> const states_T, std::complex<T> const c) const

This performs following matrix-matrix multiplication \( \mathcal{\hat{P}} \hat{\Psi} \) where matrix \( \hat{\Psi} \) has \( \ket{\psi_t} \) as columns

Template Parameters:
  • T – The floating point base to use for all the complex numbers

  • T

  • ExecutionPolicy

  • new_states_T – The output states after applying the PauliString (n_dim x n_states)

  • states_T – THe original states to apply the PauliString to (n_dim x n_states)

  • c – Multiplication factor to apply to the PauliString

  • new_states_T

  • states_T

  • c

template<std::floating_point T>
inline void expectation_value(std::mdspan<std::complex<T>, std::dextents<size_t, 1>> expectation_vals_out, std::mdspan<std::complex<T>, std::dextents<size_t, 2>> states, std::complex<T> const c = 1.0) const

Calculate expectation values for a given batch of states. This function takes in transposed states with (n_dims x n_states) shape.

It computes following inner product \( \bra{\psi_t} \mathcal{\hat{P_i}} \ket{\psi_t} \) for each state \( \ket{\psi_t} \) from provided batch.


The expectation values are added to corresponding coordinates in the expectation_vals_out vector.

Template Parameters:

T – The floating point base to use for all the complex numbers

  • expectation_vals_out – accumulator for expectation values for each state in the batch

  • states – THe original states to apply the PauliString to (n_dim x n_states)

  • c – Multiplication factor to apply to the PauliString

template<std::floating_point T, execution_policy ExecutionPolicy>
inline void expectation_value(ExecutionPolicy&&, std::mdspan<std::complex<T>, std::dextents<size_t, 1>> expectation_vals_out, std::mdspan<std::complex<T>, std::dextents<size_t, 2>> states, std::complex<T> const c = 1.0) const

It computes following inner product \( \bra{\psi_t} \mathcal{\hat{P_i}} \ket{\psi_t} \) for each state \( \ket{\psi_t} \) from provided batch.


The expectation values are added to corresponding coordinates in the expectation_vals_out vector.

Template Parameters:
  • T – The floating point base to use for all the complex numbers

  • T

  • ExecutionPolicy

  • expectation_vals_out – accumulator for expectation values for each state in the batch

  • states – THe original states to apply the PauliString to (n_dim x n_states)

  • c – Multiplication factor to apply to the PauliString

  • expectation_vals_out

  • states

  • c

template<std::floating_point T>
inline void to_tensor(std::mdspan<std::complex<T>, std::dextents<size_t, 2>> output) const

Get the dense representation of the object as a 2D-array.

Template Parameters:

T – The floating point base to use for all the complex numbers


output – The output tensor to fill with the dense representation


inline friend std::pair<std::complex<double>, PauliString> operator*(PauliString const &lhs, PauliString const &rhs)

Returns the result of matrix multiplication of two PauliStrings and their phase as a pair.


std::pair<std::complex<double>, PauliString> phase and resulting PauliString


template<std::floating_point T, typename H = std::complex<T>>
struct PauliOp

A class representation for a Pauli Operator (i.e. a weighted sum of Pauli Strings) \( \big( \sum_i h_i \mathcal{\hat{P}}_i \big) \) where \( \mathcal{\hat{P}}_i \) are composed using \( \sigma_i \in \{ I,X,Y,Z \} \) and \( h_i \) are the coefficients.

Public Functions

PauliOp() = default

Default constructor, initialize empty vectors for paulis and coefficients.

inline PauliOp(std::vector<std::string> const &strings)

Construct a PauliOp from a vector of strings and default corresponding coeffs to ones.


strings – vector of strings

inline PauliOp(std::vector<PauliString> strings)

Construct a PauliOp from a vector of PauliStrings and default corresponding coeffs to ones.


strings – vector of PauliString objects

inline PauliOp(std::vector<H> coefficients, std::vector<PauliString> strings)

Construct a PauliOp from a vector of PauliStrings and corresponding coefficients.

  • coefficients – vector of coefficients

  • strings – vector of PauliString objects

inline size_t dim() const

Return the dimension (2^n_qubits) of the PauliStrings used to compose PauliOp.



inline size_t n_qubits() const

Return the number of qubits in PauliOp.



inline size_t n_pauli_strings() const

Return the number of PauliStrings in PauliOp.



inline void scale(std::complex<T> factor)

Scale each individual term by a factor.


factors – a factor to scale each term with

inline void scale(mdspan<std::complex<T>, std::dextents<size_t, 1>> factors)

Scale each individual term by a factor.


factors – n_pauli_strings length array of factors to scale each term

inline PauliOp<T, H> operator-() const

Return the copy of PauliOp with the coefficients negated.


PauliOp<T, H>

inline void extend(PauliString pauli_str, std::complex<T> coeff, bool dedupe = true)

Add a PauliString term with appropriate coefficient to the summation inside PauliOp.

inline void extend(PauliOp<T, H> const &other_op)

Add another PauliOp to the current one by extending the internal summation with new terms.


: for now it’s very sloppy implementation just to have this functionality


other_opPauliOp to add to the current one

inline void apply(mdspan<std::complex<T>, std::dextents<size_t, 1>> state_out, mdspan<std::complex<T>, std::dextents<size_t, 1>> const state) const

Apply the PauliOp to a state.

This performs following matrix-matrix multiplication \( \big( \sum_i h_i \mathcal{\hat{P}}_i \big) \hat{\psi} \)

  • state_out – The output state after applying the PauliOp

  • states – THe original state to apply the PauliOp to

template<execution_policy ExecutionPolicy>
inline void apply(ExecutionPolicy &&policy, mdspan<std::complex<T>, std::dextents<size_t, 1>> state_out, mdspan<std::complex<T>, std::dextents<size_t, 1>> const state) const

This performs following matrix-matrix multiplication \( \big( \sum_i h_i \mathcal{\hat{P}}_i \big) \hat{\psi} \)

  • state_out – The output state after applying the PauliOp

  • states – THe original state to apply the PauliOp to

  • state_out

  • state

Template Parameters:


inline void apply(mdspan<std::complex<T>, std::dextents<size_t, 2>> new_states, mdspan<std::complex<T>, std::dextents<size_t, 2>> const states) const

Apply the PauliOp to a batch of states. Here all the states (new and old) are transposed so their shape is (n_dims x n_states). All the new_stats are overwritten, no need to initialize.

This performs following matrix-matrix multiplication \( \big( \sum_i h_i \mathcal{\hat{P}}_i \big) \hat{\Psi} \) where matrix \( \hat{\Psi} \) has \( \ket{\psi_t} \) as columns

  • new_states – The output states after applying the PauliOp (n_dim x n_states)

  • states – THe original states to apply the PauliOp to (n_dim x n_states)

template<execution_policy ExecutionPolicy>
inline void apply(ExecutionPolicy&&, mdspan<std::complex<T>, std::dextents<size_t, 2>> new_states, mdspan<std::complex<T>, std::dextents<size_t, 2>> const states) const

This performs following matrix-matrix multiplication \( \big( \sum_i h_i \mathcal{\hat{P}}_i \big) \hat{\Psi} \) where matrix \( \hat{\Psi} \) has \( \ket{\psi_t} \) as columns

  • new_states – The output states after applying the PauliOp (n_dim x n_states)

  • states – THe original states to apply the PauliOp to (n_dim x n_states)

  • new_states

  • states

Template Parameters:


inline void expectation_value(std::mdspan<std::complex<T>, std::dextents<size_t, 1>> expectation_vals_out, mdspan<std::complex<T>, std::dextents<size_t, 2>> states) const

Calculate the expectation value of the PauliOp on a batch of states.

It computes following inner product \( \bra{\psi_t} ( \sum_i h_{ik} \mathcal{\hat{P}}_i ) \ket{\psi_t} \) for each state \( \ket{\psi_t} \) from provided batch.

  • expectation_vals_out – expectation values for each state in the batch

  • states – The states we want to use in our expectation value calculation (n_dim x n_states)

template<execution_policy ExecutionPolicy>
inline void expectation_value(ExecutionPolicy&&, std::mdspan<std::complex<T>, std::dextents<size_t, 1>> expectation_vals_out, mdspan<std::complex<T>, std::dextents<size_t, 2>> states) const
Template Parameters:


  • expectation_vals_out

  • states

inline void to_tensor(std::mdspan<std::complex<T>, std::dextents<size_t, 2>> output) const

Get dense representation of PauliOp as a 2D-array.


output – The output tensor to fill with the dense representation

Public Static Functions

static inline void validate_pauli_strings(std::vector<PauliString> const &pauli_strings)

Check that the dims of pauli strings are all the same.




inline friend PauliOp<T, H> operator*(PauliOp<T, H> const &pauli_op_left, PauliString const &pauli_str_right)

Matrix multiplication of PauliOp with a PauliString on the right.

  • pauli_op_left – left hand side PauliOp

  • pauli_str_right – right hand side PauliString


PauliOp<T, H> new PauliOp instance containing the result of the multiplication

inline friend PauliOp<T, H> operator*(PauliString const &pauli_str_left, PauliOp<T, H> const &pauli_op_right)

Matrix multiplication of PauliOp with a PauliString on the left.

  • pauli_str_left – left hand side PauliString

  • pauli_op_right – right hand side PauliOp


PauliOp<T, H> new PauliOp instance containing the result of the multiplication

inline friend PauliOp<T, H> operator*(PauliOp<T, H> const &lhs, PauliOp<T, H> const &rhs)

Matrix multiplication of two Pauli operators.


PauliOp<T, H> new PauliOp instance containing the result of the multiplication


template<std::floating_point T>
struct SummedPauliOp

Public Functions

SummedPauliOp() noexcept = default

Default constructor.

inline SummedPauliOp(std::vector<PauliString> const &pauli_strings, std::vector<std::complex<T>> const &coeffs_raw)

Construct a new Summed Pauli Op object from a vector of PauliStrings and a blob of coefficients.

  • pauli_strings

  • coeffs_raw

inline SummedPauliOp(std::vector<PauliString> const &pauli_strings, Tensor<2> const coeffs)

Construct a new Summed Pauli Op object from a vector of PauliStrings and an std::mdspan of coefficients.

  • pauli_strings

  • coeffs

inline SummedPauliOp(std::vector<std::string> const &pauli_strings, Tensor<2> const coeffs)

Construct a new Summed Pauli Op object from a vector of strings and a std::mdspan of coefficients.

  • pauli_strings

  • coeffs

inline size_t dim() const noexcept

Return the number of dimensions of the SummedPauliOp.



inline size_t n_operators() const noexcept

Return the number of operators in the SummedPauliOp.



inline size_t n_pauli_strings() const noexcept

Return the number of PauliStrings in the SummedPauliOp.



inline void apply_weighted(Tensor<2> new_states, Tensor<2> states, std::mdspan<double, std::dextents<size_t, 2>> data) const

Apply the SummedPauliOp to a set of weighted states.

Calculates \( \bra{\psi_t} \big(\sum_k x_{tk} \sum_i h_{ik} \mathcal{\hat{P}}_i \big) \ket{\psi_t} \)

  • new_states

  • new_states

  • states

  • data

template<std::floating_point data_dtype, execution_policy ExecutionPolicy>
inline void apply_weighted(ExecutionPolicy&&, Tensor<2> new_states, Tensor<2> states, std::mdspan<data_dtype, std::dextents<size_t, 2>> data) const

Calculates \( \bra{\psi_t} \big(\sum_k x_{tk} \sum_i h_{ik} \mathcal{\hat{P}}_i \big) \ket{\psi_t} \)

  • new_states

  • new_states

  • states

  • data

  • new_states

  • states

  • data

Template Parameters:
  • data_dtype

  • ExecutionPolicy

inline void expectation_value(Tensor<2> expectation_vals_out, Tensor<2> states) const

Calculate the expectation value of the SummedPauliOp on a batch of states. This function returns the expectation values of each operator for each input states, so the output tensor will have shape (n_operators x n_states).

  • expectation_vals_out – Output tensor for the expectation values (n_operators x n_states)

  • states – The states used to calculate the expectation values (n_dim x n_states)

template<execution_policy ExecutionPolicy>
inline void expectation_value(ExecutionPolicy&&, Tensor<2> expectation_vals_out, Tensor<2> states) const

Calculate the expectation value of the SummedPauliOp on a batch of states. This function returns the expectation values of each operator for each input states, so the output tensor will have shape (n_operators x n_states).

  • expectation_vals_out – Output tensor for the expectation values (n_operators x n_states)

  • states – The states used to calculate the expectation values (n_dim x n_states)

  • expectation_vals_out

  • states

Template Parameters:
